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import * as WebPageObjects from "../../page_objects/web/webPageObjects.js";
import BaseController from "./base.controller.js";

 * @class ActivityController
 * @extends BaseController
class ActivityController extends BaseController {
   * Adds the browser to the controller from the Base Controller constructor.
   * This then gets pushed into the various page objects
   * and is ultimately used there to make calls to the actual browser.
   * @param {args} args Args from client
  constructor(args) {
    this.activityPanel = new WebPageObjects.ActivityPanel(args);

   * Gets information for the most recent call in the recents list
   * @returns {Object} Object containing the caller/callee name, the time the
   * call occurred, and the status(incoming, outgoing, or missed) of the call
   * @example client.activityController.getMostRecentCall()
   * @example
   * // Returns...
   * {
   * name: 'John Doe',
   * time: '4m',
   * status: 'outgoing'
   * }
  async getMostRecentCall() {
    await this.browser.pause(5000);
    const firstRecentCall = await this.activityPanel
    const text = await firstRecentCall.getText();
    const splitText = text.split("\n");

    const statusIcon = await firstRecentCall.element(
      "i[class^='icon icon-call']"
    const statusClass = await statusIcon.getAttribute("class");
    const status = statusClass.match(/icon icon-call-(.+)/)[1];

    return { name: splitText[0], time: splitText[1], status };

   * Deletes most recent call from the list of recents in the activity panel.
  async deleteMostRecent() {
    const firstRecentCall = await this.activityPanel
    await firstRecentCall.hover();
    const removeRecent = await firstRecentCall.element(
      "button[class^='icon icon-cancel components-ActivityFeed-ActivityFeedListItem__removeButton']" // eslint-disable-line max-len
    await removeRecent.click();
    await this.browser.pause(500);

   * Deletes all recent calls from the list of recents in the activity panel
  async deleteAllRecents() {
    await this.browser.waitUntil(async () => {
      if (await this.activityPanel.emptyRecentsMessage().isVisible()) {
        return true;
      } else {
        await this.deleteMostRecent();
        return false;
    }, 180000);

   * Determines if the recents list in the activity panel is empty via the
   * presence of the default empty message.
   * @returns {Boolean} true if recents is empty, false if not
  async recentsIsEmpty() {
    if (await this.activityPanel.emptyRecentsMessage().isVisible()) {
      return true;
    return false;

export default ActivityController;