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import BaseContactFormPage from "./base.contactForm.js";

/** CreateContactModal 
 * @extends BaseContactFormPage
class CreateContactModal extends BaseContactFormPage {
   * @param {args} args Args from controller
  constructor(args) {

  /* eslint-disable require-jsdoc, max-len */
  callingDetailsField() {
    return this.element("input[name=sipUri]");

  callingDetailsFieldErrorText() {
    return this.element(

  callingDetailsFieldErrorExclamation() {
    return this.element(
  /* eslint-enable require-jsdoc, max-len */


   * Fills form with provided parameters and clicks save button
   * @param {String} name Name of contact
   * @param {String} details Extension/sipUri of contact
   * @param {Boolean} favorite Favorite for the contact
  async fillFormAndSave(name, details, favorite = false) {
    await this.fillForm(name, details, favorite);
    await this.clickSaveButton();

   * Fills form with provided parameters
   * @param  {String}  name    Name of contact
   * @param  {String}  details Extension/sipUri of contact
   * @param  {Boolean} favorite Favorite for the contact
  async fillForm(name, details, favorite = false) {
    await this.setNameField(name);
    await this.setCallingDetails(details);
    await this.setFavoriteField(favorite);

   * Clicks save button
  async clickSaveButton() {
    await this.saveButton().click();

   * Set Calling details field in contact modal
   * @param  {String}  details Calling details for the contact
  async setCallingDetails(details) {
    await this.callingDetailsField().setValue(details);

   * Returns calling details field error text
   * @return {String} Calling details field error text
  async getCallingDetailsFieldErrorText() {
    return await this.callingDetailsFieldErrorText().getText();

   * Determines if error is visible in calling details
   * @returns {Boolean} True if error is visible
  async isCallingDetailsFieldErrorVisible() {
    return await this.callingDetailsFieldErrorExclamation().isVisible();

   * Get the calling details field limit via the HTML
   * @returns {Integer} Value for calling details' "maxlength" attribute
  async getCallingDetailsFieldLimit() {
    return await this.callingDetailsField().getAttribute("maxlength");

export default CreateContactModal;