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Local Configuration


The amount of browsers and tests you can run locally depends on your machine. But note, the amount of tests you want to run does not equal the amount of browsers you need. Some of our tests are considered "multi browser", where a single test file may spawn up to 3 or more individual browsers. In general, running 2 test files at a time is fairly safe as at one time (with the current tests we have) it would generate 6 total browsers if the right 2 tests were ran at the same time.

The max you can run is highly dependant on your machine, but again, 2 is pretty safe. The concurrency is set via the command line flag for jest named "maxWorkers".

Environment Variables

BASE_URL - base url that will be used (defaults to https://webdemo.lifesizecloudbeta.com) HOST - host to point selenium requests to. Use localhost if you are using your local Zalenium install. FILE - path to single file to test

Use these as such:

BASE_URL=https://myspecial.testenvironment.com npm run test:all

Sauce Labs

We are using Sauce Labs as the platform to run our tests on from Jenkins. If you need to run some test there locally there are a few things that you need to setup to do this.

In your .bashrc/.bash_profile/.zshrc (or whatever you use) add the following:

export SAUCE_USERNAME='my_sauce_user_name'
export SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY='my_sauce_access_key'

Replace the username and access key with the ones provided to you. With those set, you can run tests in Sauce Labs from your local machine.

When running tests, you will need to set USE_SAUCE=true on the command line when you run them. The framework will then create the clients in Sauce Labs versus locally.

Sauce + Zalenium

If you need to setup our Sauce Labs account with your Zalenium installation, change the sauceLabsEnabled setting in the docker-compose.yaml before starting up Zalenium and it should then send requests for browsers that you don't have capabilites for to Sauce Labs (such as IE).